Stratum Resource post, Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Product Developers

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Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Top 5 Collaboration Tools for Product Developers

Getting your full product development team on the same page doesn’t have to be difficult. Successful collaboration simply requires a commitment from the team to work together and the right tools to foster that commitment.

Collaboration technology has come a long way, which means that everyone can easily work together without ever being in the same room.

Having everyone’s buy-in at the start of a project leads to less issues down the road and keeps regulatory hoops at a minimum when collecting product and financial data.

Here are some of the best collaboration tools to help your team streamline the entire product development process.

Instant Messaging

To keep the ideas flowing in the digital workplace, Slack is the ultimate pipeline for new product ideas. Everyone can share their thoughts in one venue or various groups can be made in which designated people can participate. Individuals can even chat privately to each other. This app lets team members upload pictures, documents, and even audio files to help drive new product ideas without skipping a beat.

Similar to Slack, this collaboration tool is great for collecting product, category, and financial data while ensuring everyone stays informed and included. Because it effortlessly integrates with third-party applications like Twitter and Google Drive and notifications appear directly in channels, it can easily be seen as one of the most comprehensive collaboration tools available today.

Successful Meetings

Jumping through regulatory hoops is a thing of the past with this online meeting tool. You can set up everyone on the team to meet in one virtual place regardless of where they are in the world. Screens can be shared, video conferencing and even training opportunities can be done - on as little as $19/month. One of the only non-free apps in this mix, it quickly pays for itself when regulatory needs are flawlessly met.

Using Project Management Tools

For scheduling purposes, Asana helps users stay focused and deadline-driven. This app is great for launching unique products on time and ensuring that everyone on the team knows exactly when any given product will be launched, as well as initiatives along the way. Email prompts and deadline reminders keep team members motivated and on time.

When it comes to staying organized, this project management software is fantastic. Available both online and via mobile app, Trello keeps things systemized with boards and lists as you work together with your colleagues. You can even set up to-do lists and delegate out to your team.  As if it wasn’t already a near-perfect app, it also integrates with Slack, Google Drive, and others to help boost productivity.

Product development is tough enough without scrambling to find the best avenues for collaboration. Instead of worrying about how everyone is going to stay connected, these tools can help you stay on track and focused on the job at hand. With screen sharing and messaging to video and training options, your team can seamlessly work together from idea to production and everything in between.

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